WGN Morning News- COVID Q and A Segments

With the onset of COVID 19 I decided to use my regular WGN Morning News segments to answer questions from viewers. Keep in mind that information and knowledge regarding the virus changes on almost a daily basis. Early information is not always accurate! (You can tell getting used to doing these segments from home was definitely a challenge!)


COVID Q and A 

Remdesivir clinical trials

Disinfectant and  UV Light as treatment?

Problems with antibody tests?

Why nicotine may protect against COVID (AND NO, I am not recommending that people smoke!)


Hydroxychloroquine has prophylaxis

Antibody tests? Are they accurate?

Fertility treatments being put off?

If someone had Guillian Barre can they get a COVID vaccine?


COVID Q and A 

Testing availability

Should we take grandma out of the nursing home

Does COVID cause miscarriage


Remdesivir clinical trials

Contact tracing- how will it work?

Asymptomatic pregnant woman- how many are COVID positive?

Can pets get COVID?

How long is recovery from COVID


WGN Morning News April 10 COVID Questions from viewers

Why do some people get really deathly ill when exposed to Covid, and other hardly get sick at all?

Back in December/January, I had a cold and cough that seemed to last forever.  My sister had mild symptoms. Could that have been Covid and if so, would we have some immunity to the virus? Are there tests that tell if we had it? 

I am so confused about the best materials to use for a mask. I have heard it all from coffee filters to vacuum bags. 

I heard hospital workers need to shave their beards. If a person had a beard, is he more likely to get infected than someone who shaves?

My wife is a physician and wants to volunteer to help. In addition to worrying about her getting sick, I am also worried that she will get sued since many of the patients may not do well


They are suggesting to stay home if you have symptoms and do not have breathing concerns. How are they tracking cases if they don't want you to go in for testing?

My husband and I are in a high-risk category. We have no symptoms. Can we hold hands and kiss?

I have been taking hydroxychloroquine since December 2019 for rheumatoid arthritis. Does this lessen my chances of contracting the Coronavirus?

The last 2 days I have had a stuffy nose. Should I be concerned?


WGN Morning News April 2 COVID 19 Questions

A few days ago you said the COVID tests weren't very accurate. Are the new faster tests also more accurate

Daughter is a nurse working in the Covid unit. I am so proud of her but terrified for her, and also concerned that when she goes home at night she will infect her family. Any advice?

Are any Chicago Hospitals treating patients with anti-viral medications?

How safe are N95 masks? Is it still possible to contract the virus even while wearing a mask?

I am completely out of alcohol wipes. What are acceptable alternatives for cleaning surfaces?


Is it true that drinking warm water every 15 minutes will decrease the chance of getting sick? 

A friend was having symptoms, and had a COVID test, which was negative. He then went on to get really sick and was hospitalized. His second test was positive. How can that be? 

Do pregnant women get sicker if infected with COVID-19 than non-pregnant women?

If a woman has COVID-19, will she pass it to her fetus prior to delivery?


WGN Morning News March 24 COVID Questions

Is it safe to still go on my daily walk? I go with non-family members. We do try to practice safe distancing while walking.

I heard losing your ability to smell is a bad sign. Is that true? 

I work in social services... what should we do if we work in small ( or large) shelters with the ex-convicts, immigrants, the mentally ill, etc... these residents live in community, share bathrooms, etc... and as a staff person, social distancing is not easy. Should we be wearing masks, gloves...? As front line caregivers - we cannot “work from home”…? 

They say the restaurants have drive-up, but what if the workers contaminate the packaging? I'm afraid to even go to McDonald’s.

My son works as a bagger and retrieving carts. Should I allow him to go to work?


WGN Morning News March 20 COVID Questions

All about Masks!


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